~ Chapitre 14 : there is no place for fakes ~

Time passed, and Philomel was 14 years old. She was about to make her Debut in high society. It was common for children of 16 or older to have their Debutante, but due to the absence of the Empress, Philomel had to make her debut instead. It was important to have a member of the imperial family leading the social world. 

In the past, Marquise Ellos played this role as the former Princess, but there was no one suitable since she had been banished. There was no one in the remnants of the imperial family close enough to replace the empress. It was true that there was no great problem, but as there was no one to maintain the balance in high society, the confrontation between the factions was sharpened and the atmosphere was not the best.

 ‘Can I hold this role?’

Philomel was unwilling to bear this burden, but she could not unburden herself of her duties as a Princess. Indeed, she was a princess until Ellencia appeared.

‘I must fulfill my duty due to my rank.’

Moreover, Countess Delesse had assured her that it would not be difficult. She just had to deal with the noblewomen, none of whom would pick on her since she was just a little girl. 

« Oh my, you are beautiful! »

The exclamation of pleasure from Countess Delesse standing next to her brought her back to the present. The day of the Debutante was today. The banquet would begin in a few hours. Philomel turned to look at herself in the mirror.

« Isn’t it too gorgeous? « asked Philomel uncomfortably as she looked at the richly decorated dress with red ribbons and white fabric. 

The countess dried her head and fixed her dress. 

« Of course not! Your Highness only owns simple dresses. But you must wear better, it is for your Debutante. »

The maid helped her arrange the dress and the ribbon that had come loose. She was checking it carefully. 

« This dress is not at all to your Highness’ taste, but bear with it for today. Everyone will dress to their advantage. »

« Well, that’s true. »

In fact, this dress was totally to Philomel’s taste. It was instead the dresses in his wardrobes that were far from his preferences. Until the age of 9, Philomel would prefer eye-catching dresses. With a lot of decoration and the highest-quality materials.

However, if she had continued like that, it would have been just a matter of time before she became that « Philomel » of the book. Her skin was not tough enough to spend the Emperor’s money, a raw man. So Philomel put an end to the habit and changed her tastes. She began to wear neat but elegant clothes, she also became fugal so as not to offend the dignity of the imperial family. As a result, others thought that her taste changed naturally as she grew older. 

The countess, who was disappointed that Philomel did not wear cute and colorful dresses, encouraged her to wear a beautiful dress that she had specially chosen for the Debutante Ball.

It’s a little awkward, but it’s not too bad.’

Philomel looked at herself in the mirror from all angles, quickly left the room because it was time to go. The Emperor was waiting in front of the carriage.

« Your Majesty! Have you been waiting for a long time? » she asked.

« Not really…. »

Eustis’ eyes fell on the robe. Philomel felt guilty for no reason as it seemed that his eyes blamed her for the price of the high quality dress even though it was not possible. 

« Is it strange?  » she asked with embarrassment.

« No, it looks good on you. »

« It looks good on you too, your majesty. »

At the flattering words, the Emperor smiled before reaching out to the carriage. At some point, he often smiled at Philomel.

« Get in. » 

He was Philomel’s escort today, so she did not refuse to take his hand. 

The carriage headed for the outer palace after passing the inner palace within the Imperial Palace site. While the inner palace was mainly a living space for the imperial family, the outer palace was a place where officials worked, courtesans lived and banquets were held. They soon arrived at the banqueting hall.

Lately, there was a popular myth among young children that when you danced your first dance with your partner, it would solidify the relationship. So all the girls were keen to choose the right partner for their first dance. They had to find a partner they liked.

Philomel had heard that there had been a girl who had cried at the end of her debutante. Of course, this did not apply to those who had a permanent partner. Philomel, who had found her fiancé, told the Emperor : 

« I shall be back after my first dance with Lord Abriden. »

But there was no reply in return. She looked up wondering at the lack of response, Eustis had a crumpled face.

« Your Majesty? »

« … It’s superstition to bring out that first dance partner thing. So don’t get too caught up in it. There are still countless possibilities for you. »

‘I was wondering what you were going to tell me with such a heavy face—–. Is this advice?’

She had known for a long time that she had no chance with Nassar. 

« Everyone knows that. Don’t worry. » Philomel replied coolly before moving towards Nassar, while managing the people who greeted her. 

Nassar was the heir to one of the greatest families that dominated the field of martial arts and literature. Moreover, he was the best matchmaker in the whole empire due to his exceptional characteristics. He watched Philomel approaching.

It was as if he was possessed by something. Philomel called his name:

« Nassar? »

« ………. »

« Nassar, are you all right? « 

« Oh, yes. I’m sorry. I was lost in thought. »

« Didn’t you overdo it in your training yesterday? »

« I’m fine. I had a good rest yesterday. »

Duke Avriden’s educational passion blazed. He had recently brought in a sword master who wielded Aura as Nassar’s teacher. Seeing the bruises under Nassar’s sleeves, sympathy swelled within her. It made her heart ache. Perhaps it was a sense of comradeship.

« Your highness, please give me your hand. »

Nassar reached out his hand with a weak, trembling voice. The banquet attendees gathered around the ballroom. 

   *        *      *

Time passed again. Philomel was fifteen years old.

« Greetings to your highness Philomel Maytias Beleroc, the little sun of the Empire. »

In the ballroom, a young lady greeted the princess nervously.

« Oh my. Isn’t that my Lushan daughter? How is Countess Lushan’s health these days? I wonder if the prescription of the visiting doctor from abroad was effective. »

The heiress of Lushan County was moved by the concern the princess showed for her mother’s health, even though her family was not powerful. She replied delightedly:

« It is getting much better. It is thanks to Your Grace who has made contact with the doctor. »

« It’s nothing, I haven’t done much. »

« Oh, no, believe me. If it weren’t for your help, your Highness, my mother would still be lying in bed from illness. »

The nobles surrounded Philomel quickly. 

They were all eager to speak with the princess. Nassar Avriden was watching from a small distance with a crystal glass in his hand. Philomel was responding to each person with pleasure. Every time she nodded, her soft brown hair moved and caressed her planked skin. 

Nassar could not take his eyes off her. Until someone tapped him on the shoulder. 

« Nassar! You’re here! »

« Kenny. »

Kenny Odelli was the second son of the Marquis of Odelli and he was Nassar’s best friend. He was mischievous and talkative, but he had a lot in common with Nassar who was taciturn. 

« Who were you looking at like that? »

Kenny hissed after following Nassar’s gaze and confirming the object of his observation.

« Aigo, desperate, so desperate! Do you still want to look at her even after your dance? »

« It’s not what you think. »

« What it is not what I think »

Kenny tapped Nassar on the shoulder once more.

« Do you like her that much? Looking at her makes you that happy? « 

After a brief silence, Nassar answered him out of turn.

« …. Kenny, you danced with the princess too. »

« Me, it’s because I asked her, you, it was the first dance! »

« I’m her fiancé. It’s normal ».

« Oh, is that all?You only danced because you were engaged? « Kenny teased him with the insistent air of a mother who wanted him to confess everything.

« Yes, that’s it. »

‘At least that’s what she’ll think,’ Nassar spoke his words as he returned his gaze to Philomel.

« Stop lying, Nassar, we can feel the tenderness in your eyes. »

« …….. »

Kenny continued to chat even though Nassar remained silent.

« Oh, my, I see! In fact, you are jealous! Why are you upset that she dances with other guys? »

« Shut up, Kenny. »

« But why are you worried? She will be your wife! »

« ….We’ll see. »

« …….. »

Kenny felt empathy for his friend, who replied without confidence. Everyone approved of the perfect couple he and the princess were, but Nassar was still very defensive about it. 

« What are you talking about? If not you, who else is going to be her husband? »

Suddenly, silence fell in the hall and everyone bowed their heads. 

The emperor had just appeared. 

Sorry for my long delay. A lot has happened and I really didn’t have time. Thanks for your patience! Love ya !

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